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What You Need to Know About Left Turn Accidents in Detroit

Most drivers never stop to consider how dangerous left turns can be–until they’re involved in an accident because of one. In fact, statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that left turns are the single greatest cause of accidents in intersections.

Recognizing how dangerous they are, our Detroit car accident lawyers want you to know how to avoid them and what to do if you’re involved in a left turn accident.

Michigan Laws for Left Turns

With how dangerous left turns are, it’s not surprising that the state of Michigan has laws that affect what a driver is allowed to do. These are in place in order to help prevent them from occurring.

Left turns yield
Section 257.650 of the Michigan Vehicle Code requires all drivers turning left to yield to vehicles on the road approaching from the opposite direction, along with pedestrians or bicyclists. They are also required to use their turn signal to give other drivers enough warning of their intention to turn left.

Michigan Lefts
There are some intersections that do not allow left turns, even though there is flow of traffic in all four directions.

Instead, these intersections require a “Michigan Left”, also known as an indirect left turn. Here, drivers need to either drive straight through the intersections or turn right and then make a U-turn at a median crossover.

Green arrows
The only time a driver making a left turn doesn’t need to yield at an intersection in Michigan is when they have a green arrow, giving the driver the right of way for their left turn.

Left turns onto a one-way
Section 257.612 of the Michigan Vehicle Code allows drivers to turn left onto a one-way street that goes in the direction of the turn at a red light unless there’s a traffic signal or sign that forbids it. However, the driver must come to a full stop before doing so. This is true from both a one-way and a two-way street.

Common Causes for Left Turn Accidents in Michigan

Even though there are specific laws and guidance for left turns in Michigan to minimize danger, there are still thousands of accidents that occur from left turns each year. In fact, recent data from the Michigan State Police revealed that 6,951 accidents occurred due to left turns in just one year.

Our Michigan car accident lawyers have researched some of the most common causes for left turn accidents to help you drive safely.

Misjudging the speed of oncoming traffic
Michigan law requires drivers making a left turn to yield to oncoming traffic. However, the driver making a left turn may think they have enough time to clear the intersection because they underestimate the distance and speed of approaching vehicles, which can lead to a collision.

Failure to yield
Another frequent cause of accidents involving a left turn is due to drivers simply failing to yield to oncoming traffic before making the turn. This can occur due to distractions, impatience, or a lack of awareness of right-of-way rules. They may also see a green light–which requires them to yield to oncoming traffic–and confuse it for a green left turn arrow, thus thinking they have the right away.

Impaired visibility
Poor visibility at median openings are a common sight in Michigan and can result in left-turning drivers not seeing oncoming traffic until it’s too late. This impaired visibility can be caused by untrimmed vegetation such as tree branches or bushes, weather like heavy rain or fog, or other larger vehicles in front of them that obstruct their view.

Distracted drivers
Distracted driving can significantly increase the risk of Michigan left turn accidents. Rather than looking for oncoming traffic, drivers may be focused on activities such as texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, or dealing with navigation systems. This prevents a driver from anticipating hazards or reacting in time to prevent a collision.

Inexperienced drivers
Inexperienced drivers may struggle to know who has the right of way or when to yield. They may also not execute Michigan Left turns safely or lack confidence in their driving skills. Lack of experience can also lead to errors in judgment of how far an oncoming vehicle is or how quickly it’s approaching, which can lead to a collision.

How to Avoid Left Turn Accidents in Detroit

Knowing how dangerous left turn accidents can be, there are specific ways that allow Michigan drivers to avoid them. These methods and approaches can be used by any driver and in any situation.

Know and follow Michigan traffic laws
Michigan laws on left turns are there for a reason: to keep you and others safe by preventing accidents. This includes knowing when to yield, what maneuvers are allowed in various situations, and who has the right of way. This also means using turn signals to indicate intentions, which can help others prevent an accident from happening as well.

Be patient
The fact is, it can take a while before oncoming traffic clears long enough to safely turn left. That’s why it’s important to be patient and avoid driving while angry, being in a rush, or while running late. These high-pressure moments can lead to drivers taking chances they shouldn’t be taking while waiting for an opening to turn left.

Drive defensively
Certain situations require drivers to exercise increased caution when executing Michigan left turns to prevent accidents, such as during heavy traffic or bad weather. This means drivers should brake sooner before approaching an intersection, give themselves more space to clear the intersection before oncoming traffic arrives, and drive with their headlights on so others can see them better.

Minimize distractions
Minimizing distractions while driving is always important, especially when approaching intersections to make a left turn. By avoiding activities such as texting, talking on the phone, or other distracting tasks, Michigan drivers can focus on making sure there is plenty of space to turn before other vehicles, pedestrians, or bicycles enter the intersection.

What to Do If You’re Involved in a Michigan Left Turn Accident in Detroit

Despite your best efforts, you may have been the victim of an accident involving a left turn. How you handle the next steps can help you recover from your injuries, get your medical bills paid, and receive the compensation you deserve from your injuries.

Kajy Law’s car accident attorneys have set out these important steps to help you achieve the best outcome possible after your Detroit left turn accident:

Prioritize your safety
If you have been injured severely and require immediate medical attention, take care of this right away. Call 911, tell them you were involved in a severe car accident, where you are located, what car you are in, and your name. Providing this information will help first responders identify you as quickly as possible.

Call the police
Even if you didn’t suffer injuries that require immediate medical attention, it’s still important to call the police and tell them an accident occurred. They will then send an officer to the scene, who will assess what happened, the damages, and who was responsible.

This information will be put in an accident report, which you should get within a few days from the police station. This document is important for your accident case and will help you get the compensation you deserve.

Document what happened
While you wait for the police to arrive, take pictures of the accident scene if it’s safe to do so. This includes pictures of the cars involved in the accident, what was damaged, the location, and any injuries suffered by you or anyone else involved in the accident. Try and get the testimony of any eyewitnesses, along with their contact information.

Seek medical attention
Even if you feel ok after the accident, it’s important to see a medical professional to fully assess what injuries you suffered. Many accident victims make the mistake of not going to the doctor because they don’t think they’re injured or don’t feel any immediate pain.

However, some serious injuries don’t have immediate symptoms, while others may be masked from the adrenaline released in your body after the accident. That’s why a car accident victim should always go to the doctor and follow up with any prescribed treatment or therapies.

Contact a Detroit auto accident lawyer
Some car accident victims think they don’t need a lawyer, perhaps because they assume their accident was relatively minor. However, this is often a big mistake for many reasons.

For example, what they thought was a minor accident ended up causing major injuries for the parties involved, thus resulting in tens of thousands of dollars in bills.

Other times, insurance companies take advantage of accident victims by guiding them into saying things that release them from financial responsibility or minimizing what the company is responsible for.

The experienced attorneys at Kajy Law know exactly how to handle your accident to maximize your settlement while also knowing how to avoid making mistakes that can cost you.

Keep your accident documents organized
As you receive medical treatment, get your car fixed, or receive other help or services related to your accident, it’s important to keep any documents related to your accident organized. These will help you get your bills paid by your insurance and receive the settlement you deserve.

Want More Info About Avoiding Michigan Left Turn Accidents?

Kajy Law wants to help clear up the confusion about any type of car accident, including Michigan Lefts. Get answers for free from our attorneys by calling us or filling out our contact form.

Our lawyers have helped drivers involved with Warren car accidents, Southfield car accidents, and accidents everywhere else in Michigan. As a result, we have won over 98% of our cases for drivers like you.

We work hard for our clients because we take pride in our state and want to help our fellow Michiganders get the justice and compensation they deserve after their accident.

Contact Our Detroit Car Accident Lawyers Today

Let the experienced Detroit auto accident attorneys at Kajy Law assist you after your left turn accident. We know how confusing and overwhelming the experience can be, and we’re ready to step in and give you the help you need.

Let us answer your questions, provide practical assistance, or stand up to the insurance companies, we’re ready to fight for you. Call 248-702-6641 or use our contact form to set up a free accident consultation today.


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