When you’re out on the open road on your motorcycle enjoying the wind and sun on your face on our Michigan roads, there’s nothing like it. It’s easy to get caught up in that distinct feeling of being free.
Unfortunately, nothing puts the kibosh on that feeling faster than colliding with a two-ton vehicle.
And if you’re struggling with any number of the most common injuries from a motorcycle accident, you know all too well what it feels like to lose that freedom. That’s why you need a dedicated Michigan motorcycle accident team to help you maximize getting the compensation you deserve.
Causes for Michigan Motorcycle Accidents
There are numerous causes of motorcycle accidents in Michigan. In some cases, it is the fault of the vehicle driver. Impatient, distracted, careless, or even reckless drivers can cause a motorcycle collision in the blink of an eye. This can result from driving too fast, failing to yield, being unwilling to share the road, or simply not paying attention.
But there are certainly occasions when the motorcyclist is at fault. Automobile and truck drivers don’t have the market cornered on speeding or reckless driving, as this is a common cause among motorcyclists. In addition, motorcyclists need to be sure that their motorcycle is routinely maintained to ensure they don’t lose control of it.
Sometimes, a motorcycle accident is simply a matter of bad luck. Something lying on the road, poor road surfaces without adequate signage, potholes, and other hazards can cause accidents. Sudden inclement weather can also be a culprit. In addition, a faulty motorcycle component suddenly failing could be to blame.
Whatever the cause, if you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, you know how life-changing it can be and the importance of contacting an attorney. Especially if you’ve sustained an injury.
>>>Learn if you have an case as a result of your motorcycle accident
What Are the Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries?
Below are five of the most common injuries that motorcycle accident attorneys encounter with their clients. The severity of your accident, as well as what safety precautions were taken, will typically dictate the type and degree of injury.
Road Rash/Burns/Scarring
Road rash is considered the most common motorcycle accident injury. It’s the result of skin being scraped off due to contact with a hard surface like asphalt. While many cases are mild, severe cases could require a skin graft or dermabrasion to remove the top layer of the skin.
Then there are the garden variety cuts, scrapes, and burns. Exhaust pipe burn is also a common injury – usually for a motorcycle passenger whose leg has touched the exhaust pipe. Whatever the case, all of these injuries can result in permanent scarring. In addition, injury to the face can cause disfigurement.
Sprains and Broken Bones
Unlike in a vehicle, a motorcyclist is not protected by airbags, seat belts, and the confines of the car’s body and frame when in a collision. As such, their bodies twist and turn in unnatural ways that cause ligaments to overstretch and tear – resulting in a sprain. While most sprains heal over time, severe sprains could require surgery.
In cases where there’s more force upon impact, the outcome is often broken bones which can happen anywhere on the body.
Injuries to Spinal Cord
One of the injuries motorcyclists DO share with car drivers is whiplash. Especially in cases where they’ve been rear-ended. Yet while whiplash is nothing to scoff at, severe damage to the neck or other parts of the spine can be particularly devastating.
Breaking bones or severing nerves in the cervical spine (neck) or anywhere else along the spine can result in partial to full paralysis.
Head Injuries
Head injuries are also serious. Because Michigan repealed a mandatory helmet law in 2012, motorcycle accident attorneys are often faced with motorcyclists suffering from concussions, contusions, edemas, intracranial bleeding, and skull fractures. Any of these traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can impact mobility, language skills, memory, and mood.
Emotional Trauma
Finally, there is the emotional trauma. After a motorcycle accident, victims may struggle with nightmares, insomnia, mood changes, increased fear, and post-traumatic stress. These are often considered hidden injuries because they are not fully visible. Yet, they are no less debilitating and life-altering. Especially when they accompany a physical injury.
>>>Learn what your motorcycle accident injury case could be worth
You Need a Dedicated Team on Your Side for Your Motorcycle Accident Injury
Knowing how much attention Michigan motorcycle accident cases require is precisely why Kajy Law has a dedicated motorcycle accident team.
So if you’re suffering from any of the most common motorcycle accident injuries and want the best representation, contact us today to get our motorcycle accident attorneys fighting for you.
Call us at 877-KAJY-CARES or use our contact form to set up your free Michigan motorcycle accident consultation. And let us ease some of your financial pain.