Truck Accident Lawyers Who Help Michigan Maximize Their Settlements

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Our Truck Accident Attorneys Identify the Most Common Types of Collisions Involving Trucks

Even though semi-trucks are equipped with state-of-the-art safety equipment, they still cause severe damage when they are involved in collisions.

In fact, a recent Michigan traffic report revealed that fatalities are three times as common with accidents involving trucks.

To help keep you safe, our truck accident attorneys have identified the most common types of collisions involving trucks in Michigan and why they often happen. We’ll also explain how you can get the help you need after a collision involving a Michigan truck.

Rear-End Collisions With Trucks

When you consider that a semi-truck can weigh 40 times more than a passenger vehicle, it’s easy to understand why trucks need more space to stop.

However, the real world doesn’t always give trucks the stopping distance they need, nor do truck drivers make the right decisions to avoid an accident.

Factors contributing to trucks rear-ending other vehicles include:

  • Distracted Driving – Studies show that distracted driving is often more dangerous than drunk driving. So when truckers don’t pay close attention to the road, it can delay their reaction times and cause them to not brake or swerve until it’s too late.
  • Driver Fatigue – Government statistics show that over 100,000 accidents happen each year due to drowsy drivers. When truck drivers work long hours, it can cause slower reaction times and increase their errors in judgment or depth perception.
  • Dangerous Weather Conditions – Michigan roads can have poor visibility or slippery surfaces during any time of the year, which can prevent a trucker from seeing what’s ahead or stopping in time before rear-ending the traffic ahead of it.

Jackknife Truck Accidents

Thanks to the pivot point that connects the semi-trailer to the truck, semi-trucks are able to maneuver their 70 ft length through tight, curvy roads.

But when that truck needs to suddenly brake or turn, the attached semi-trailer can swing out in front, forming an angle with the truck and causing the truck driver to lose control of his entire load and collide with nearby vehicles.

Jackknife accidents can be caused by:

  • Speeding – When a trucker is more concerned with speed than safety, it can cause them to drive too fast for certain road conditions like adverse weather or traffic or exceed the speed limit.
  • Slippery Roads – Michigan may be famous for a variety of seasons, but the dangerous weather conditions they produce can lead to snow, ice, or rain, which can increase the likelihood of jackknifing.
  • Braking Issues – If a trucker needs to suddenly brake or brake very hard, the trailer they’re pulling may brake slower than the truck. This can cause the trailer to jackknife out in front of the truck.

Underride Truck Accidents

With up to three feet of clearance between the trailer and the road, semi-trucks have a unique space that is more than enough for a smaller vehicle to slide under them during an accident. When this happens, it is known as an underride accident.

During underride accidents, the immense weight the trailer carries–which can be up to 40 tons–can easily crush anyone inside the passenger vehicle underneath it.

These deadly accidents often take place at the rear or the sides of the truck. They may result from:

  • Sudden Stops – If a truck stops abruptly without sufficient warning to other drivers, the other vehicles around it may not have enough time to brake and may slide under the semi-trailer.
  • Poor Visibility – Lack of adequate lighting or reflective markings on the truck may not alert other motorists to the trailer next to them if they are driving at night or during inclement weather. As a result, they may change lanes or merge right into the semi-trailer.
  • Improper Lane Changes – Either the truck or other vehicles may make unsafe lane changes, which can cause smaller vehicles to get trapped under the semi-trailer and be crushed.

T-Bone Truck Accident Collisions

T-bone collisions, or side-impact crashes, are especially common at Michigan’s most dangerous intersections. These occur when a truck strikes the side of another vehicle.

These types of accidents can be especially destructive, since the sides of a passenger vehicle offer much less protection compared to the front or rear.

Common causes of T-bone collisions include:

  • Failure to Yield – A passenger vehicle may misjudge the speed of an oncoming truck when making turns. As a result, they may be hit in the side in the intersection.
  • Running Red Lights – A truck might fail to stop at traffic signals because of speeding, misjudging the amount of time they had, or simply not paying attention to what the traffic light displays.
  • Distracted Driving – Truck drivers may be distracted as they approach an intersection, unaware that they do not have the right of way, or they may not pay attention to traffic signals or signs.

Rollover Truck Accidents

Because semi-trucks have a much higher center of gravity than passenger vehicles, they can tip much easier. If a truck driver isn’t careful, they can roll their truck, trailer, or both.

When this happens, it can collide with other vehicles around it, even crushing those that happen to be next to the truck or in front of it.

Truck rollovers are often caused by:

  • Sharp Turns – Some truckers maneuver too quickly or sharply. This may be due to their own error or trying to avoid a sudden hazard in the road. As a result, the truck can tip over and roll.
  • Speeding – Taking curves too fast can lead to a loss of balance due to the truck’s high center of gravity. In other cases, the load it’s carrying may shift due to the forces exerted at high speeds and can lead to a rollover.
  • Uneven Loads – If the truck’s cargo isn’t properly balanced or it’s not secured correctly, it can suddenly shift. This heavy internal load may collide against the inside of the trailer or weigh heavily on one side, causing it to destabilize and roll the truck.

The Difference a Michigan Truck Accident Lawyer Can Make

If you’ve been injured in a collision involving a truck, a Michigan truck accident lawyer should be one of the first people you contact. They can help you deal with every aspect of the aftermath while also creating the best outcome for you.

Here’s how a truck accident attorney can assist you:

Conducting a Thorough Accident Investigation
Our truck accident lawyers will conduct a comprehensive investigation to determine the cause of the accident, identify important factors, and determine responsible parties.

This investigation can include gathering key pieces of evidence such as electronic data from the truck’s black box, as well as analyzing whether the truck was compliant with federal and state trucking regulations that may have contributed to the accident.

Calculating Damages
Our experienced attorneys will be able to accurately calculate all your damages to ensure you receive full compensation you deserve.

This can include economic damages such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages.

We can also help you recover non-economic damages, which can include compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Trucking is big business, and many parties will want to minimize what you receive to increase their own profits. This can include insurance companies who are very skilled at minimizing payouts.

However, our attorneys know how to handle all of the parties involved. This includes managing all interactions with insurance adjusters to ensure your rights are protected, along with making sure your settlement covers all of your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Legal Representation
Sometimes, a fair settlement cannot be reached with negotiations. If this happens, a dedicated truck accident lawyer is essential to maximize the amount you are paid if your case is taken to court.

Some of the steps we can handle for you include filing a lawsuit, initiating legal proceedings, as well as presenting a compelling case to the jury to maximize your compensation.

Looking for More Information about Common Types of Michigan Truck Accidents?

If you were involved in a Detroit truck accident, a Southfield truck accident, or an accident anywhere else in Michigan, you deserve legal help that understands these unique types of cases.

Our truck accident lawyers are ready to provide the help you need and answer your unique questions for free. Simply fill out our contact form or call us to schedule a complimentary accident consultation.

Contact Our Michigan Truck Accident Lawyers Today

A Michigan truck accident can have life changing effects. Having experienced legal help on your side can make all the difference between being stuck with bills and getting the maximum compensation possible.

Kajy Law has helped accident victims recover over $40 million in damages. Let us help you get the practical assistance you need while we work up your case to get you the settlement you deserve.

Call us today at 248-702-6641 or fill out our contact form for a free truck accident consultation.


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